FY 2018 RFP for Brownfields Assessment, Cleanup, and Revolving Loan Fund Grants Announced
On September 18, 2017, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) announced the fiscal year (FY) 2018 Request for Proposals (RFP) for Brownfields Assessment, Revolving Loan Fund, and Cleanup Grants. These grants may be used to address sites impacted by petroleum and hazardous substances, pollutants, or contaminants (including hazardous substances co-mingled with petroleum). The Proposal submission deadline is November 16, 2017. Specific grant-funding opportunities for FY 2018 include:
- Assessment Grants (funded over 3 years) Community-wide or Site-Specific Applicants: Applicants may apply for up to $200,000 in hazardous substances funding, $200,000 in petroleum funding, or a combined $300,000 for hazardous substances and petroleum funding. Assessment Coalition Applicants may apply for up to $600,000 in hazardous substances funding and/or petroleum funding.
- Revolving Loan Fund Grants (funded over 5 years) Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) Grants provide funding to capitalize an RLF program. RLF programs provide loans and sub-grants to eligible entities to carry out cleanup activities at brownfield sites impacted with hazardous substances or petroleum. Eligible applicants may apply as individual entities or as RLF Coalitions comprised of two or more entities. RLF applicants may apply for up to $1,000,000 in funding.
- Cleanup Grants (funded over 3 years) Applicants may apply for up to $200,000 per brownfield site and may submit up to three separate, site-specific Cleanup Grant Proposals.Environmental Standards has a long history of helping clients identify and apply for various grant-funding opportunities. We have prepared numerous successful grant applications on behalf of clients resulting in multiple funding awards to be used for environmental assessment, planning, remediation, and capitalization of RLF programs. Over the past 5 years alone, we have helped clients prepare successful RLF and Assessment Grant applications that have resulted in awards of $1.65 million.
For more information, please contact Joe Kraycik or Gerry Kirkpatrick at (610) 935-5577.
To assist applicants with their proposals, US EPA will host its annual National Guideline Outreach Webinar on October 5, 2017 at 1:30 p.m. Participants can join the webinar at https://epawebconferencing.acms.com/app18/ and/or via conference call at 1-866-299-3188/ access code: 202-566-1817.