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The Standard – September 2023

The Mixed Up, Muddled Up, Shook Up Path to PFAS Testing Standardization

The long-awaited fourth draft of US EPA Method 1633 was released in July 2023[i], as the product of a nearly 4-year collaboration between the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) and the US EPA. A notice in the method provides that its use for Clean Water Act compliance . . .

Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Rule (UCMR5)

In July 2023, the Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) released the first set of data collected under the fifth Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Rule (UCMR5). The list of contaminants being monitored in drinking water under UCMR5 include 29 per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and lithium . . .

TEQs - A Handy Regulatory Tool

I am intrigued by the process of finding solutions to environmental problems, especially when they relate in a practical way to  . . . 

Wolf in Cheaps Clothing

As a young professional, I found myself dreading the task of creating a work wardrobe. Everything was either out  . . . 


New Deadline for Old Coal Ash

Earlier this year, the US EPA published a proposed rule on coal combustion residuals (CCR) that has significant . . .

The Case for Environmental Data Governance

Environmental problems consist of complex systems and, by necessity, require diverse methods for  . . .

AI - Help or Hallucination

While I typically enjoy researching and writing about topics that recall personal developments or milestones in my life, the topic  . . .

Wildfire Season 2023 – A Look at the Human and Environmental Toll

Wildfire. As long as dense forests and mid-latitude summers have . . .

Protecting Your Home from Wildfires

Urban wildfires not only destroy homes and businesses, they also cause impairment and destruction of the  . . .

Upcoming Conferences

Our professionals present, exhibit, and attend conferences across the nation where we share our experience and strengthen . . .

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