This year has been a busy one for our Chemists who have been auditing environmental laboratories in the continental U.S. and overseas for our clients. To date, our Chemists have performed 46 on-site laboratory audits for individual clients and 17 audits where multiple clients shared the cost. Twenty-two desktop audits were also conducted.
Our Chemists will be hitting the laboratory auditing road during the final quarter of 2019 to Florida, Michigan, Wyoming, California and many states in between. Please contact Environmental Standards’ Technical Director of Chemistry, Rock Vitale, at if you are interested in cost sharing opportunities, to nominate a laboratory for future auditing consideration or if you would like to receive laboratory auditing updates.
Ask any Environmental Standards Chemist why you should audit your environmental laboratory, and you will likely hear a war story or two. You will also likely get a recommendation on what you can do to help ensure that your laboratory, a critical compliance partner, is taking the appropriate steps in maintaining and operating a robust quality assurance program designed to provide you and your team with data that are beyond reproach.