The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection’s Bureau of Environmental Cleanup & Brownfields released the draft of their revised Technical Guidance Manual for Vapor Intrusion into Buildings from Groundwater and Soil under Act 2 on July 28, 2015. The document was released shortly after US EPA released the final versions of their vapor intrusion assessment and mitigation documents in June 2015. For those involved in land recycling, PA Act 2 and Brownfields Redevelopment, these documents provide guidance to the regulator and the regulated community for addressing potential vapor intrusion form soil and groundwater sources into current and potential future buildings. The action limits presented in these documents are used to trigger vapor intrusion investigation and potential mitigation action for sites. In addition, the documents discuss investigation techniques, sample collection options, and modeling information. The PA DEP document was issued as draft for public comment with comments due September 23, 2015. If you would like more information on vapor intrusion, please contact Environmental Standards at 610.935.5577.