Graduation According to SpongeBob SquarePants
If you believe in yourself and with a tiny pinch of magic, all your dreams can come true. – SpongeBob SquarePants
Great and hopeful words to the Class of 2020, but why SpongeBob? SpongeBob first appeared in shorts (and in shorts) in 1998, the year that many graduating college students were born. Also noteworthy dates for those born is 1998, they were just a year old when MySpace launched, 2 years old when Facebook was created, and 4 years old when Twitter started.
The members of the class of 2020 have defined themselves as a generation having a great desire to change the world and make it a better place. “They want jobs that are fulfilling, tap into their passions, and situated in organizations that align with their social values,” stated Gen-Z expert Dr. Corey Seemiller.

We wish the Class of 2020 the very best of luck, especially our Environmental Standards, Inc. families who have recent graduates.
Clark, son of Ann Marie Gathright, from James Madison University with a B.B.A. in Finance.
Ethan, son of Joe Kraycik, from Berks Catholic High School.
Greta, daughter of Steve Zeiner, from Phoenixville Area High School.
Jesse, Step-son of Steve Lennon, from Mars Area High School.
Susie, sister of Abigail Bossbaly, from Bishop Shanahan High School.

We also have a man’s best friend graduate. Loki, grandson of Lester Dupes graduated from “sit,” “stay,” and “give paw” to working on more complex tasks. At 16 inches tall 3 feet long, this hound mix has already started forging a career path as a yapper – oh wait, that’s rapper – watch out for Run XLC (Extra Long Corgi), performing at a dog park near you.