Project Wide Data Management
The Status Tracking Application is implemented to track the entire progress of project sampling events: from sample planning and collection, to laboratory deliverable receipt and data validation efforts, and ultimately to final reporting.
Environmental Standards’ staff have developed and fine-tuned the application over the span of approximately 10 years to provide detailed tracking functionality specific to environmental data.
Maintaining and tracking the movement of documents and samples through the entire workflow has multiple benefits for your organization. Along with ensuring that all project requirements are met, it enables stakeholders to instantly identify the current state of individual sampling events, as well as analyze comprehensive project statistics. Any issues with the process or continuous sources of delay can quickly be identified if you have a clear picture of how and when each step in the workflow is accomplished. Once the information about your process is established in a database, analysis tools can be run to evaluate potential issues. Reports and graphs can also be generated to summarize outstanding tasks, visualize potential process delays, or to outline productivity.
Why us
Customize Status Tracking Application
Environmental Standards can customize the Status Tracking Application to suit the unique workflow of your organization. The application has been created to allow configuration to accommodate the individual needs of the diverse clients we serve. From the initial planning and collection of a sample, all the way through archiving or destruction of documents, each step of the process can be logged, reported, analyzed and archived for your convenience.