Landfill Services
Landfill Services
Environmental Standards, Inc., a niche environmental consulting firm, is a leading provider of landfill services. In April 2004, Environmental Standards became one of the first firms to receive approval of a Corrective Action Plan (CAP) from the state Department of Environmental Quality to resolve ongoing groundwater quality impacts from a municipal landfill.
Since the approval of the CAP for the 88-acre Virginia landfill in 2004, Environmental Standards has demonstrated success in a wide range of landfill services. The key services are briefly presented in the following paragraphs. Our approach to each of these services is to use sound science to minimize the cost of any remedial solution.
Assess Existing Remedial Plans
At no cost to the landfill owner/operator, Environmental Standards will perform an independent assessment of existing remedial plans. The assessment is confidential and shared only with the entity requesting the evaluation.
Develop Innovative Groundwater Remediation Solutions
Environmental Standards can implement a combination of several interactive corrective actions to remediate site groundwater. These corrective action and monitoring components include In-Situ Enhanced Bioremediation (EBR), Intrinsic Bioremediation (IBR), Soil Vapor Extraction, a groundwater pump and treat system, and groundwater/surface water monitoring.
Delineate Contamination Plumes
Combining the knowledge of professional geologists and extensive experience in a variety of groundwater monitoring with three-dimensional visualization services (3DVA ), Environmental Standards can create 3-D images of contamination plumes and depict contaminant migration over time. These 3-D images are invaluable when communicating planned remedies with stakeholders.
Install/Monitor Sentinel Wells
Our multiple locations in Central Virginia, East Tennessee, and Southeast Pennsylvania allow us to cost-effectively perform quarterly, semiannual, or annual sampling of groundwater and surface water on site and from surrounding sentinel wells. As illustrated above, we can also determine optimum well locations and oversee drilling operations with an emphasis on safety.
Operate Remedial Systems
Environmental Standards has proven experience operating and maintaining pre-existing in-place controls that include a landfill gas collection system (LFGCS), a leachate collection system (LCS), and a pump and treat system (PTS). Consider us as an alternative to your current O&M strategy.
Negotiate With Regulators
We understand complex regulations. By submitting solutions based on sound science and cultivating an atmosphere of mutual respect with regulators and other stakeholders, we foster project implementation at the lowest possible cost and in the shortest feasible time-period.
Meet With Community Groups
Community understanding and acceptance are paramount to implementing any remedy to contaminant migration from a landfill. Our ability to listen to stakeholders’ concerns and to bridge the gap between technical issues and emotional interests has served our clients well in public meetings.