TriAd Acquisition Opens Doors for Collaboration
In August of this year Montrose Environmental Group, Inc. (MEG) announced the acquisition of TriAD Environmental Consultants, Inc. (TriAD), an environmental consulting services firm based in Nashville, Tennessee. Founded in 1996, TriAD offers advanced technical assistance to commercial, industrial, and governmental clients. TriAD’s expertise includes solid waste permitting and compliance, environmental regulatory compliance, environmental engineering and monitoring, site assessments and remediation, stormwater management, corrective-action programs and air permitting. The company has built a strong regional reputation for providing a full spectrum of environmental services to private, municipal, and state clients in the Southeast.
We are excited to have the opportunity to partner with a high-quality firm like TriAD in middle Tennessee. In mid-September, I made the short 2-hour drive to visit with Nancy Sullivan (one of the founders and principals of TriAD) and the rest of her Team. In the short time I was in the TriAD office, I had the opportunity to speak with many of the staff and quickly realized that this is a group of professional, experienced, and very smart Scientists and Engineers. While TriAD and Environmental Standards offer similar services, the unique capabilities of each firm gives both Tennessee MEG locations an opportunity to collaborate on new business and expand the services offered to existing clients in the Southeast. Since my trip in September, our offices have already collaborated on projects, and we are looking forward to future opportunities!