PFAS 360: Analytical Challenges & Risk Assessment Update Workshop
Join moderator Rock J. Vitale, CEAC, Technical Director of Chemistry/Principal, Environmental Standards, Inc. for PFAS 360: Analytical Challenges & Risk Assessment Update Workshop, Wednesday, March 24, 2021, during the 30th Annual International Conference on:
Soil, Water, Energy, and Air by the AEHS Foundation
Over the last several years, significant media attention has been focused on the detection of PFAS in the environment, and particularly in potable water supplies. Because of the public outcry regarding these compounds in the environment, regulatory agencies are compelled to issue orders or otherwise mandate the collection and analysis of environmental samples for an ever-growing list of PFAS. However, a US EPA method is only available for drinking water, leaving commercial laboratories to their devices to develop their own methods, some very good and other not so much, resulting in extraordinary data‑comparability issues, not to mention serious issues with regulatory accreditation process.
While the technology (and reference materials) is available to measure up to 38 PFAS (and the list keeps growing), the scarcity of reliable toxicity studies for many PFAS has hampered the application of definitive risk assessment. Finally, as PFAS have been dubbed by the media as “Forever Compounds,” the persistent nature of PFAS has created interesting challenges for remediating environmental media.
Analytical Challenges Panelists Include:
- David R. Blye, CEAC – Principal Chemist, Environmental Standards, Inc.
- Erica Kalve – Senior Engineering Geologist, Pretreatment and CECs Unit Supervisor, State Water Resources Control Board
- Jamie Fox – Technical Services Specialist – Vista Analytical
- Chuck Neslund, Ph.D. – Scientific Officer , Eurofins Lancaster
- Bryan Vining, Ph.D.- Laboratory Director , Enthalpy Analytical, LLC
Risk Assessment Panelists Include:
- Angie Perez, Ph.D. – Senior Toxicologist, CTEH
- John Newsted, Ph.D. – Managing Ecotoxicologist, Ramboll
- Robyn Prueitt, Ph.D. – Senior Toxicologist, Gradient
- Julie C. Lemay, MPH – Senior Environmental Health Scientist, Gradient
CLICK HERE for more information and to register.