Environmental Standards Presents Forensics Considerations in Source Identifications for PFAS Compounds
On Wednesday, August 12, 2020, at 1:50 p.m.,Environmental Standards, Inc., will be virtually presenting at the National Ground Water Association (NGWA), Fate of PFAS: From Groundwater to Tap Water conference. Our presentation is Forensics Considerations in Source Identifications for PFAS Compounds.
PFAS is the most important unregulated class of contaminants in modern times, considering the emerging understandings of the associated risks to human health and the environment. Federal and state agencies are wrestling with detection levels based on risks associated with PFAS compounds. This emerging class of contaminants consists of thousands of isomers, both known and unknown. Most recently, the US EPA announced the updated drinking water method 533. Many commercial laboratories utilize sophisticated LC MS/MS methods to analyze and meet the low detection levels required by the regulatory community.
Our presentation will provide an overview of the fate, transport and receptors for PFAS. The latest updates on analytical methods, regulatory status and current limits assigned for PFAS by the US EPA and the state agencies will be discussed. Treatment technologies currently employed for the destruction of PFAS will be outlined.
Utilizing traditional forensic tools, improving determinative methods and sophisticated high-resolution mass spectrometry, various approaches can be utilized to identify sources. This facilitates forensic analysis undertaken to classify compounds as well as determine sources. Utilizing the instrument data files and performing non targeted analysis along with targeted compound analysis we find co-contaminant markers that are characteristic for a source. This presentation will provide highlights for forensic source determination and applications.
To register for the Fate of PFAS: From Groundwater to Tap Water conference, CLICK HERE.