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December 2021 – Lab Audit

Let Us Be Your Lab Analytical Watch Dog

Analytical laboratory audits are an important tool for assessing liabilities that may arise from using a commercial environmental laboratory. For over 34 years, Environmental Standards has conducted third-party laboratory audits and independent third-party data validation on behalf of our clients – companies in the oil & gas, chemical, industrial/manufacturing, utility, transportation, mining, and food/beverage & consumer markets. As in years past, we invite you to take part in a unique cost-sharing opportunity.  To see our 2022 laboratory audit nomination list CLICK HERE.

The environmental, hydrocarbon and toxicity laboratories on our audit list are nominated by a wide range of industrial clients to be audited by Environmental Standards. If you have not previously participated in our on-site or virtual audit program, I encourage you to review a summary of Environmental Standards’ Laboratory Auditing Qualifications and Scope.

Additionally, you may want to consider contracting Environmental Standards for all of your third-party data validation needs for your high-profile projects and/or to serve in an oversight capacity as your “data quality watchdog.”

Rock J. Vitale, CEAC

National PFAS Leader/Senior Principal Chemist