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Dec 2020 – Middle Tennessee Environmental Professionals Association

Middle Tennessee Environmental Professionals Association

On October 22, 2020, the newly formed Middle Tennessee Environmental Professionals Association (MTEPA) held its inaugural breakfast in Nashville with an attendance of over 20 professionals. The goal of this organization is for the growth of the environmental industry and to provide its members opportunities to network with other environmental professionals. After attending the Birmingham Environmental Professionals Association (BEPA) and the North Alabama Environmental Professionals Association (NEPA) meetings for years, Shane Penn (Environmental Standards), Gerald Barrera (Action Environmental), and Travis Johnson (Pace Analytical) believed that a similar group would be valuable to environmental professionals in Tennessee.

MTEPA is free to join and open to anyone who is involved in the environmental industry. The groups are member lead, meaning that no one company or organization controls the group. Breakfast meetings are sponsored by different companies throughout the year and begin with networking among the attendees followed by a presentation on a topic of interest of the group. If you are interested in joining the group, please reach out to Shane Penn at for more information and the schedule for the next event.

Shane Penn, MBA

Account Executive