Analytical laboratory audits are an important tool for assessing liabilities that may arise from using a commercial environmental laboratory. For more than 28 years, Environmental Standards, Inc. has conducted third-party laboratory audits and independent third-party data validation on behalf of our clients – companies in the oil & gas, chemical, industrial/manufacturing, utility, transportation, mining, and food/beverage & consumer markets. As in years past, we invite you to take part in a unique cost-sharing opportunity. Please take a look at our 2016 laboratory audit nomination list.
The environmental and toxicity laboratories on this list have been nominated by a wide range of industrial clients to be audited by Environmental Standards during 2016. In addition to the laboratory names and locations, and interactive map identify the number of clients sharing the cost of each audit and the current audit scope. Many of the audit dates are still “open” and will float while the stakeholders (the clients, the laboratories, and Environmental Standards’ Senior Auditors) determine optimal audit dates.
If you have nominated a laboratory for a 2016 audit, please review the list to ensure it is included, as well as to identify audits in which your company would like to participate and possibly take advantage of cost-sharing. If you have additional nominations, please contact me via e-mail or by calling 610-935-5577. Also, please keep in mind that the list and map are “snapshots” in time and traditionally grow throughout the year as clients continue to make nominations. Contact me at any time throughout the year for an updated laboratory audit nomination list.
If you have not previously participated in our audit program, I encourage you to review a summary of Environmental Standards’ Laboratory Auditing Qualifications and Scope.
Finally, you may want to consider contracting Environmental Standards for all of your third-party data validation needs for your high-profile projects and/or to serve in an oversight capacity as your “data quality watchdog.”
Best regards,
Rock J. Vitale, CEAC
Technical Director of Chemistry/Principal
Environmental Standards, Inc.