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Additional Services – Litigation

Litigation Support

Environmental Standards, Inc. is a highly respected environmental consulting firm providing technical assistance during litigation and testimony proceedings.

The professionals at Environmental Standards – recognized leaders in the fields of analytical chemistry, geosciences and site remediation, toxicology, and information technologies - are particularly well-known for their effective critical evaluation of large amounts of environmental data that may be the basis of future litigation or insurance claims.

Why us

Independent Third Party

  • Litigation Strategies
  • Technical Review of Data
  • Trial Preparation
  • Expert Witness Testimony

The Support You Need

Environmental Standards supports in-house and external legal teams by providing fact expert and fact witness analysis, reports, advising, and consulting on high profile environmental matters for the oil and gas, industrial/manufacturing, automotive, chemical, landfill, energy/utility, and commercial real estate markets. Our ability to crunch large amounts of environmental data and forensically evaluate and interpret the data is highly valued by law firms, legal teams, and insurance companies alike.

Our chemists provide litigation support that includes environmental forensic analysis (source allocation), laboratory data validation, laboratory inspection/auditing, and critical evaluation of opposition technical reports.

Our geologists have provided third-party damage claims review, including CERCLA cost recovery claims analysis, to help clients develop a technical basis for challenging unrealistic damage claims.

litigation strategy

Litigation Strategies

In the early stages of litigation, our technical experts work with clients to understand the scientific elements of their case. We use our knowledge of sampling and sampling limitations, analytical methods and limitations, remediation methods and limitations, and data management and limitations to help you outline the best strategy based on sound science.

Technical Review of Data

During the review of project data, Environmental Standards professionals provide a rigorous technical review of client and opposition data. Our experts search specifically for possible holes in sampling, analysis, data management, or reporting. Relying on years of lessons learned, we are able to confidently pinpoint issues and communicate complex technical information to non-technical audiences.

Trial Preparation

Environmental Standards’ professionals effectively reduce large amounts of data into a simple message that will meaningfully convey the science to the court. Environmental Standards can suggest deposition strategies or attend depositions on behalf of our clients.


Expert Witness Testimony

Our chemists, geoscientists, toxicologists, and information technologies experts are national leaders in their technical fields; consequently, they are graciously confident in their knowledge and the confidence is conveyed during testimony. Environmental Standards’ experts are frequently asked to speak at national technical conferences and publish research and project findings in peer-reviewed journals. Environmental Standards also provides technical review of investigation and remediation documents such that attorneys can confidently question opposing witnesses on key issues of critical technical importance.

Professional Contacts

Gerry Kirkpatrick, P.G.

Managing Partner

Gary Yakub


David Thal

David Thal, CQA, CEAC, CFS

Principal Chemist