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CQA – Lab Program Dev

Laboratory Development Program

Environmental Standards has extensive experience in all facets of Corporate Laboratory Program development

Designing, implementing, and maintaining a laboratory program means reducing analytical costs and substantially increasing data quality features, functions, and benefits.

A well-developed Laboratory Program improves data quality and defensibility, customer service, laboratory consistency and data comparability, and cost efficiency
while providing a mechanism to streamline conventional contracting practices. We have developed (and are currently maintaining) laboratory programs for numerous clients,
many of whom realize a 20 to 30 percent (or more) annual savings in analytical costs.

Why us

Design. Impliment. Maintain.

Our clients realize significant benefits from their Corporate Laboratory Programs. Relative to business benefits, reduced analytical cost, more efficient procurement process, and an improved return on investment. In addition, a contract allows for the implementation of consistent penalties and incentives applied across laboratory lines. From a technical perspective, specific analytical technical requirements can be established, reliability and defensibility are improved, and top-performing laboratories are readily identified.
The process of establishing a Corporate Laboratory Program is comprised of three steps – designing the program, implementing the program, and maintaining the program. Each step has companion or “stand-alone” features that Environmental Standards, Inc. offers.

business analytics

Quality Assurance Monitoring

Laboratories in large networks may have been created alike, but over time the individual facilities evolve into different entities that often operate under different sets of standards. The laboratory community is still extremely dynamic, with an average annual personnel turnover rate of 25%. Method compliance is a factor to consider but does not necessarily mean that the laboratory produces high-quality data. Method “shortcuts” can lead to poor quality data or data that are difficult to defend. With this in mind, prudence dictates that companies perform quality monitoring of laboratories producing data upon which important decisions are made. Quality Assurance Monitoring includes several facets – laboratory auditing, performance evaluation studies, and data validation, as detailed below.

corporate lab auditing annual audit

Annual Audits

Environmental Standards’ Corporate Laboratory Program includes an annual audit schedule established with the client and laboratory. Our auditors visit each program laboratory to assess laboratory conditions, procedures, and services. During an audit, we utilize the client technical requirements, methods, and laboratory SOPs as benchmarks. Many commercial laboratories have stated that Environmental Standards’ audits are among the most thorough and comprehensive audits they have experienced. As an added cost benefit because of the significant number of audits we perform each year, there is frequently an opportunity for our clients to “cost-share” audits of laboratories that are under contract by a number of our clients. 

Client Benefits

Environmental Standards has a national reputation for excellence as an independent quality assurance (QA) environmental chemistry consultant; this reputation is directly attributable to our dedicated personnel. Our quality assurance chemists are uniquely qualified and able to offer clients expert consulting services in environmental chemistry and related specialty areas.

Our Fortune Company client list speaks to the level of service Environmental Standards provides in developing specific Corporate Laboratory Programs to fit your needs. 

Professional Contacts

Erin Rodgers

Principal Chemist

Jennifer Grable Environmental Standards

Jennifer Gable

Principal Chemist

Gary Yakub