AAI/Phase I ESA Services
Our professionals are well versed in the federal Innocent Landowners Standards for Conducting All Appropriate Inquiries (40 CFR [J] Part 312) Rule as well as ASTM International Standard 1527-13 Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments: Phase I Environmental Site Assessments. In addition to following these two industry-standard protocols, Environmental Standards also has assisted clients in developing their own proprietary Phase I ESA protocols based on client-specific needs and industry concerns.
Environmental Standards’ professionals follow rigid quality assurance guidelines to ensure that AAI services are conducted in a thorough and defensible manner. The firm uses widely-recognized industry database collection services and our reporting formats carefully follow AAI and ASTM International protocols.
Why us
Top Professionals
The firm has a number of full-time professionals who provide AAI services in diverse commercial and industrial settings ranging from retail shopping complexes to chemical, manufacturing, and mining assets both small (less than 10,000 square feet) and large (several hundred acres). Our AAI client portfolio is diverse; we routinely provide AAI services under direct contract to financial services groups, real estate opportunity funds and investment trusts, estates, insurers, re-insurers, mining companies, and private industry.
Indirectly, we are often retained by property sellers and purchasers, as well as professional services groups that seek comprehensive environmental site evaluations for complex or multi-site transactions. Our professionals are not only well versed across a range of industry sectors; but also are situated in various strategic areas to rapidly and efficiently serve our clients. We have also been retained by federal bankruptcy court trustees to assist in valuing environmental cleanup liabilities, and establishing escrow funds for cleanups for companies in both Chapter 11 and Chapter 7 circumstances.