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EDM – Design & Implementation

Process Design and Implimentation

Environmental Standards, Inc. is uniquely qualified as a 3rd party consultant to provide unbiased data management solutions. In light of evolving regulatory and enforcement guidelines, organizations are devoting more and more resources to establishing policies, infrastructure and processes aimed at reducing liability.

Environmental Standards' Data Management team collectively has over 60 years of experience in providing environmental data management solutions and implementing systems.

Why us

Data Made Easy

Environmental data, both structured and unstructured, will be collected by various consultants on behalf of your organization under a variety of sampling/monitoring programs. These data are matched to laboratory analytical data. The system implemented must provide a basis for supporting a technical data management business cycle from the pre-planning of sampling events to the reporting of technical datafor use by scientists and managers. The data management system must ensure data completeness and usability while also taking into account the defensibility of the data. The system is designed and configured around the active storage, management, and usage of your data and business practices. This in turn enables your organization to make better decisions.

data management use

Data Management System

The major objectives of a properly implemented Data Management System are to:

  • Maintain data integrity, control, consistency, usability, defensibility, traceability, and reproducibility throughout the life of the project.
  • Establish the framework for the consistent, complete documentation of the quality and validity of field and analytical data compiled during investigations, including metadata.
  • Allow of the flexibility to integrate and comprehensively manage new data with existing data in the specified data management system for both structured and unstructured data.
  • Share or provide data to various stakeholders – whether in electronic or hardcopy formats.
  • Promote the use of project data in a consistent and easily shared format among appropriate internal and external parties.

Professional Contacts

Stehpanie lein envstd

Stephanie Lein

Senior Data Project Manager

DeAnna Aungst

Data Project Manager

Matt Miller Envstd

Matt Miller

Data Project Manager