Cyanide (CN) is a naturally occurring chemical with an interesting structure, which marries a carbon atom to nitrogen via a very strong triple bond. Some believe the nitrogen compounds that were critical for life came from cyanide. Most of us know cyanide as a highly toxic agent, yet it is used in many commercial products including: dyes, plastics, and pesticides, and is also used for mining operations.
The analysis of cyanide would seem to be straightforward since Chemists have known about this chemical for as long as they have been doing chemical analyses. Yes, cyanide has many forms due to its unique chemistry, and the ability of cyanide to form complexes, or to be formed from nitrogen-containing chemicals, greatly complicates the measurement.
Environmental Managers and Specialists with responsibilities for cyanide monitoring/measurement in effluent or reclamation programs will get the greatest benefit from this Webinar.
The presentation will provide an understanding of the chemistry, analysis, and approaches for dealing with apparent violations that may actually be due to analytical method interferences.
This presentation will outline the many forms of cyanide (viz., free, weak-acid dissociable, and total) and the approaches for measuring these forms to meet environmental action levels.
You will receive a certificate of completion for 1 Continuing Education Unit (CEU).January 14
David Gratson, CEAC, Senior Technical Chemist – David has 35 years of experience in analytical chemistry and quality
assurance. He uses his chemistry expertise to support the mining industry and
other clients, as they develop best practices for addressing environmental
issues and liabilities.
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